Let's Be Breef by Brianna Jay

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A “Needing Something Different” Season.

Phase of life issues come up often while working as a therapist - a client comes in who is struggling to deal with adjusting to whatever has become their new normal. Whether that’s dealing with a divorce or loss or any other significant life change, phase of life issues hit us all and sometimes they are a huge pill to deal with.

I’m in a bit of a phase of life situation that I’m just going to refer to as a “needing something different” season.

Not only does this season alter my mindset and focus, but it also alters my circle and the way that I spend my free time. I won’t get into why this phase of life issue arose but I will say that cherishing each day and each moment with the people that you truly love, who love you back completely, is so, so necessary.

We waste a lot of time giving our time to things and people who simple don’t serve us - they could careless about our well-being but see the fun in hanging around us. It could be enticing to just continue to keep it fun because, let’s face it, life is hard for a lot of people! But when life truly happens to us, these “fun friends” won’t be the ones reaching out to check on us so they shouldn’t be the ones benefiting from our good times.

My eyes are so open to the Needing Something Different season! As it is, no one wants to experience the worst things of their lives. To top it off, no one wants to go through these experiences alone.

In the start of my Needing Something Different Season, I found myself feeling quite a bit alone, that is, until I reached out to my real friends, told them what was going on, and let them know that I needed a bit more until this storm passed. From this, I was reminded that there’s so much strength in asking for help (even from those that you love).

It’s quite empowering and encouraging and pleasing to know that when you reach out to your friends, tell them that you’re struggling with something, that they’ll be there for you — it’s not hard, It’s not an issue, and there are no excuses. They’re just there!

As we age, we need these types of friends — this type of support system. We need the friends who are there for more than just the party. We need the friends who can sit in the trenches with us until we can all climb out together. We need the friends who are encouraging and empowering via more than an Instagram quote, but via actual thought and mindset. And, we need real influences around us.

My Needing Something Different Season has been great because I’ve gotten rid of baggage that hasn’t served for much beyond momentary entertainment and I fostered the fruitful relationships with like-minded and similarly situated people which has truly helped on many levels.

Because I remain a bleeding heart, I always feel for the people that I’ve lost, but honestly, if you lost me, it’s because you were grossly negligent with me — you really took me and my openness for granted, thought I’d always be here, or thought that my feelings and experiences didn’t matter the way that yours do. Either way, your loss.

I’m always on to bigger, better, bolder and way smarter.

Embrace your Needing Something Different Season and go after all that you deserve and then some — I know I am.

Bree 🩵