Let's Be Breef by Brianna Jay

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XCI: What Area Of Law Do You Want To Practice?

This is the one questions that I get more than any other, with a strong second being, “So, will you represent me if some stuff goes down?”

When I came to law school, I simply decided that my focus would be criminal law and I’d either get a PhD in Psychology along with my JD so that I can become a criminologist, or that I’d work towards becoming a district attorney.

The DA goal, of course, has changed over time mainly because of the work that I’ve seen people in this profession doing and because of the panels that I’ve listened to and the ways that I’ve seen DAs completely unable to answer simple questions from law students. Being a criminologist is still within my grasp, but REALLY all I want is to work at a job where I am not undervalued, unappreciated, used and overworked. I want to have a job that I can develop a real passion for and I want to have a job that I am proud to go to everyday.

I don’t know if any of you have ever had this experience, but I have worked for a law firm that literally only hired me to take the information that I learned at the firm that I came from before interviewing with his. I should have completely caught onto this when the only questions asked during the interview were aligned with whether or not I remembered things from and had templates from my former employer, but sometimes you’re just ready to work and don’t have the time to check if the person you’re interviewing with is a monster or not.

In completely learning from that experience, I can say that, ALL THAT I WANT IS TO WORK IN A GOOD WORK ENVIRONMENT.

Let’s gauge this idea of a good work environment by using something that I’m sure we can all relate to, MOVIES.

I mean how many of us have seen a movie or a television show and automatically wanted that job because of how it was shown on screen? I definitely have, but let me show you why:


Don’t you just love the feel-good movies that give you a completely glorified idea of what the workforce is like?

Because it definitely happens everyday that you get a job, with no prior education, no former experience, and a fake resumé that offers you amazing pay, a beautiful apartment, an allowance for clothes, and an office with a view.

This movie definitely made the working world look like a slice of heaven and to say I’m not mad at it would be a lie.


What better way is there to learn patience than by working with a bunch of crazy people who only mean well?

Honestly, if you’ve watched The Office but never wanted to work there, then there’s absolutely something wrong with you. From the antics to the laughs, I would love it so much. Not to mention, the vending machine was never empty and honestly, what more could you ask for?

Although this work environment would be annoying at times, I think that I would like it nonetheless. I mean it’s a group of people with good hearts, for the most part, working in close proximity to each other! Good things were bound to happen.


Okay, Jane (played by Meryl Streep) legit owned her own bakery!

She set the tone, the ambiance and the aesthetics of her space and I would have LOVED to work for her. Not just because of the chocolate croissants, but because of the way that she treated people and encouraged her employees to treat people while working.

This just looked like a beautiful and fun bakery to work in and although I can’t bake to save my life, I wouldn’t mind working in Jane’s French•esque bakery for a little while.


Although Ali went through a ton of trouble to break the boy’s club feel of her office, you cannot ignore the lavishness of her job. Also, she’s getting paid to keep up with such an entertaining industry as a sports agent in the first place, and that alone, is amazing.

From her office to her assistant to her perks, it just seems like a job that I wouldn’t mind having. Plus, I get along better with guys than I do with girls anyway, so I think it’d be fun.

Overall, I think the idea is clear: if the job has good people with good intentions who come to work to work hard, and maybe a vending machine or two, then we are well on our way to having a good work environment.

I’ve seen plenty-a-good job ruined by a horrible work environment and I’ve also seen many jobs be great because of an awesome work environment.

So, all I’m asking is to be blessed with a job that I won’t be sick about going to and co-workers who won’t make me want to quit everyday. Whichever firm offers that will have the area of law that I’ll be great at, because all I need is the space and then I can master anything!