Let's Be Breef by Brianna Jay

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Word of the Week: Love

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Love Brianna Jay

Love means “an intense feeling of deep affection”.

Heart’s Day is now behind us but love lives on [for many]!

Love, for me, goes hand-in-hand with a couple of other words which help to shape the way that love is actually expressed and received. I have always thought that: to love and be loved, truly, is a beautiful thing. While also living within the realization that my one true love is likely not in the city that I currently live in!

For the past 6-ish years, I’ve been completely closed off to love and the idea of love. While I have incorrectly entertained the idea of partnership with an immature boy or two, I have not been open to actual love in quite some time.

Now, however, if it were to knock on my door and be worth it, then I certainly wouldn’t say no. Even during my Breef stents of temporary companionship, I made it a point to take some lesson from all whose paths I’ve crossed. That and time alone created enough life lessons to keep me busy for almost a decade! Hence my joy in remaining single — I’m always learning about life, love and myself.

True love is truly powerful when done correctly

Love, when done correctly, is the most beautiful thing. Picture this: You wait for the one that your heart actually desires; you work on yourself while waiting patiently; you grow through all of the good and bad that life throws at you; and then “randomly” you meet the one person who makes your already fulfilled life feel like an overflowing cup of love.

I firmly believe in waiting for the right person.

I’ve dated, I’ve entertained the ideas around dating, I’ve been deeply connected and I’ve been single! Having experienced those things, I know that my loving energy is not energy that I need to hand out freely (sure, have some brotherly love but nothing beyond that). I truly want to save my energy for my person. The man that I know is out there just waiting to meet me. The man that will laugh with me until we cry; snack with me like we have no fitness goals; talk future plans with me like we’re running for Presidency; grow with me like well-planted and nourished seeds; and just be able to be in stillness and silence with me — a perfect balance to my calm.

While there is no handbook or guide to loving and being loved, knowing yourself on an intimate level certainly helps fill in the gaps within your knowledge when it comes to determining if someone is truly what you want or need. For example, in dating, I can sit down with a man and know whether or not I even want to be his friend within minutes and sometimes seconds. It’s not all a judgment call, it’s truly a “what suits me, where I am today and me, where I plan to be within the next 5 years” call — A question that you can’t truly answer unless you’ve done background and outside work on yourself, in stillness.

The weight and power of love can either build you until you soar or break you down into a deep despair. It’s the scariest and most beautiful thing you’ll ever experience [on any level], and it’s so worth it when it blesses you. 🤎

Wishing you all the deepest love.
